jl-audio W3 Subwoofer Subwoofers
jl-audio W3 Subwoofer Subwoofers
[Oct 27, 2002]
Model Reviewed:
3 12 w3-d4's
hits everynote possible even with the slightest bass change can handle good amounts of power
none so far i got them in 1.3 cubic sealed with a lanzar (dont laugh) 255 1400x1 at 4 ohm 1900x1 at 2 ohm and it hits pretty well im thinking of going with a 500/1 jl amp on each sub or a 1000/1 for all 3 but id havta say with the setup i got now its pushin alota db's Similar Products Used: eclipse focal audiobahn |
[Oct 23, 2002]
Model Reviewed:
13.5" w7
Everything, the Sound clarity, the LOUDNESS, everything you would want from a sub, SPL capabilities, SQ capabilities. These subs are so advanced my bet is there wont be any sub within the next 1-2 years to equal the W7, until JL audio comes out with a new model
Cost fo' sho! But your getting what you pay for without a doubt. Oh yeah, they might cost you extra money too. ( be careful when your driving in a residential neighbor hood.) I caused some old womans car to have its side window shattered because of the massive bass. and omg she was pissed First of all I recently bought 2 JL AUDIO 13.5" W7s for $1250, which i thought was a good deal for w7's This is literally one of the most powerful subwoofers on the face of the planet. Seriously, with the right box, and amplifier, you can get the clearest, LOUDEST, sound imaginable. My friend, loves the JBL w12GTI's. Hes always talking crap to me about how much power you can put into the GTI's, and JL Audio cannot put as much in. Oh boy have i showed him whats up. In an SPL SQ competition i placed first hitting 163.7 Db, winning the competition easily by 22.4 DB, proving to my friend that NO company can compete with JL AuDIO. What did he do next week? He Ditched his JBL's and got some w7's... OHHH boy, :) Similar Products Used: Solo Baric 15" L7's JBL w12 GTI Rockford Fosgate HX2's Orion ANYTHING JL AUDIO |
[Oct 20, 2002]
Model Reviewed:
JL Audio 12 W3 v1
nice, clean bass, even at low volume good price, now thats its discontinued durable and reliable ( friend has had 2 - 12 W0 subs for like 2 years now, and they still hit hard )
the damn thing is shaking all the panels off my car!!!! hahaha i just got this sub a few days ago, and it is awesome. i got the 12 W3 v1, which is discontinued, so i got a good deal on it, $150 with a box. i have a civic, and i only wanted one sub for some bass enhancement, nothing big. luckily, this sub delivers. i dont crank the volume, so i wanted something that works well in low volume situations, and this sub does, its just great. i'm using a rockford fosgate power 550X 4 channel amp, i bridged the rear channels on the amp for the sub, so the amp should be getting 275 watts ( at least thats what the specs state ). overall, great sub, great price, great sound. |
[Oct 19, 2002]
Model Reviewed:
2 10w3v2's in a Prowedge box
hit extremely hard for the size of the box they are in.
they are pretty pricey but well worth it when paired with a JL amp. When i heard that these subs were the cleanest subs out there i didnt believe it. Well after hearing them actually in my car i am blown away. I have them powered by a JL 500/1 and they hit hard and clean at any sound level. Not only do they hit hard but the sound quality is amazing for the size of the box. Similar Products Used: mtx and alpine |
[Oct 18, 2002]
j davis
Model Reviewed:
The ability to pound extremely hard and still maintain amazing sound quality. Sound quality is beautiful with all music including Rap, Rock, and Country
none 2 10' W3v2's in a JL ProWedge box. Awesome. Similar Products Used: Alpine, MTX, Audiobahn, Eclipse, Rockford, BMF, Orion, Fusion |
[Oct 16, 2002]
Model Reviewed:
- Quality, powerful bass - Can be hard from down the street easily - In my opinion, good looking
- Price. I dont like spending money. - Results in frequent headaches (Worth it) Roughly a year and a half ago I bought two JL 12" W3 D2s. I was weary about spending a lot of money on a system but I wanted as much bass as I could get from my Rockford Punch 500.2. After asking around, people gave me the impression that JL was the epitome of quality bass from reasonable power. I installed the subs myself only after doing research on the process (www.jlaudio.com) and bought a respective yet adequate box. The subs amazed me from the start, and after hearing other people's systems, I continue to believe that it was a solid purchase. Similar Products Used: I'm sticking to the winning Rockford / JL combination. |
[Oct 09, 2002]
Model Reviewed:
2002 10w3 (2)
One of the strengths has to be the amazing output with only 200-400watts. AMAZING SQ. Doesn't require huge ported box to have ground pounding bass. I would recommend a small sealed box. Dual Voice Coil wiring capabilites.
The only weaknesses would be damage to your hearing and others around a 3 block radius, and your vehical or others vehicals such as windows and rear view mirrors. I have 2 of the 10w3D4's in a sealed box in the center console in my '02 silverado powered by a JL 500/1 monoblock sub amp(pushing aprox. 300watts a sub). Let me tell you, these are the hardest hitting subs in my whole town and I have friends that have 4 12's(Rockfords) and even a solobaric 15 in a ported box(in a Tahoe) powered by a 2000 watt amp. Definitly buy these subs and feed them a decent amount of power. Similar Products Used: I have played with a 12w7 at the place where I purchased the w3's and it can hit just as hard (probably harder) and it was underpowered. |
[Sep 25, 2002]
Insane loud, awesome sound quality, oh yeah and i got a ticket a couple days ago cause i was out rollin and this Cop hated on me. On the ticket it said he could here my system clearly from 3/4 miles away, and felt my bass at 300 feet. How bout that for a Strength!!!
Too loud sometimes, i had to invest i some earplugs. Cause when i roll i like my boom loud for the ladies and the hataz, but it kills my ears after a while. This Blake guy below is a gimp, JL products are one of the most reliable brands out there, and if your sub didnt work thats what warranty is for.. Oh wait you probably installed the sub yourself voiding the warranty, and you messed it all up, cause i can tell you dont know a thing about car audio. Now on the other hand,IN my 98 Noma' Lowrider~ I have four 18" W3-D4's, each wired in parrellel for a 2 ohm load, each running off of a Alpine MRD-M500. They kinda slam...just a little 167, with the help of my JL components and Alpine 4-channel, alpine HU, and eclipse 30 band EQ. So booyah! Similar Products Used: I used to run three 15" Eclipse Aluminums, they were tight and to tell you the truth if I would have bought a 4th I would've had a better system than i do now, but that wouldve took to much power, and |
[Sep 22, 2002]
Blake Gentry
Model Reviewed:
Good Hard hitting bass
Cheap terminals, Surround comes off..Subs loves to BLOW!!! Price!! This sub is a whimpy, un-reliable POS..THis sub has been nothing but trouble for me. THe SQ is good and it will pump good bass (When working)..But this sub is overall very unreliable Similar Products Used: Kicker Comp VR's! |
[Sep 20, 2002]
Model Reviewed:
3 12" W3
EVERYTHING, i can't hear anymore
NONE All i have to say is....HOLY SH!T. Every1 talkin crap about JL, get a life. JL Audio has the best subs ever. I powered 3 12" W3 to a JBL 1200.1 and its unbelievable, they SLAMM SO HARD, Similar Products Used: Rockford Fosgate HX2(nothing compared to the JL's) |