Chevrolet S-10 Trucks | Vans

Chevrolet S-10 Trucks | Vans 


(1982 - 2004) The S-Series Pickup comes with 2 engine choices, a 4 cylinder with 120-hp, and a V6 with 175-hp. Both are available with a 5 speed manual or automatic transmission. Available in 2 or 4 wheel drive and standard ABS.


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[Oct 30, 2000]
Model Reviewed: S10 4WD 4.3L V6 Blazer


I also looked at a 1991 Toyota SR5 V6 4runner,however the Blazer offered alot more torque and tons more power on the highway and in the mud. it does much better than I thought it would pulling its self out of the mud. I bought it at 100,000 miles, and it is now at 150,000, and it still has tons of power, even when towing a jet ski or two dirt bikes. The back seats are very roomy for two people, and the ground clearance is perfect for light off road use. The chrome bumpers and the sport fenders really give my blazer a sporty rugged look. If filled up enough, the AC is very cold,however,with it on, the truck loses tons of power.


The stock brakes are awful....replace them as soon as you can
No power with the AC on ......I have replaced the thermostat 3 times in three years. Any little air filter, or fluid problem, and the truck overheats (not really overheat, but temp goes way above 210)

I paid 4000 (well 3500 without tax and lic.) I got a good deal, however I might end up having to put about 1000$ worth of engine work into it....including replacing the radiator, and fan also replacing many of the hoses. However, teh way i beat up my car, for having 150,000 miles on it....the price was well worth it....and i would recomend my truck to get power and a great ride. Lots of bang for the buck

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1995 V8 4WD Jeep grand cherokee- I still think, even though my jeep was newer and had a V8, that my blazer has more power.
1984 Chevy S10 2.8L 4wd- Had no power.......dont not buy any chevy 2.8.

[Oct 27, 2000]
Model Reviewed: Chevy S10 Xtreme Reg. Cab


Great looking truck all around, seats are very comfortable and the interior is spacious. The 2.2liter engine has some pep to it for a 4cyl. that is!


Brakes could use some improvement!

I would recommend this truck to any one who has the time to keep it clean. Its not a truck that is allowed to dirty. I paid the around $14,000.00 for it but after interest its gonna cost me $17,000.00; but if i chose to do it again id get the 6cyl. Note: NOT A WORK TRUCK , U CANT HAUL JACK SH*T IN IT OR TOW ANYTHING BUT THATS OK CAUSE I DONT PUT ANYTHING IN THAT BED!

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Ford Ranger(yuck), doesnt even compare. Everything is better on the Chevy even the brakes(haha).

[Sep 14, 2000]
Model Reviewed: Chevy s-10


I like the instant a/c and defrost. The 6 speakers are great. I don't think I could go back to just 2 or 4. The two tone rasberry and silver paint has turned lots of heads and gotten lots of complements. The interior is comfortable. The Vortec V6 is great. I can pass up slow pokes very easily. Although not used often the overdrive is nice. I also love the extended cab. You can just throw your belongings back there and you don't need one of those space wasting bed boxes. I will not get another truck without it.


The engine bogs just a little bit when the a/c is on. The 3rd brake light has 2 bulbs which went out and had melted the plastic lens. I had to replace the entire light assembly to pass inspection. New light bulbs did not help. Chevy said they have seen this before. This did prove to be a large, exspensive pain in my rearend. Since it cost $95 for the assembly and $111 for the labor. But it had to pass state inspection. I was so damn mad that I complaied and got the labor for $45 like the 1st dealer told me. Come on! Labor cost more than the part itself! We tried to install it ourselves, but you had to take down the cabs headliner. We didn't want to mess with that. The windshield wipers work when they feel like it. I can be riding along in the rain and they will just stop in the middle of the windshield. Scary! Then they come back on sometimes by themselves. This will cost me about $100 from the dealer to fix. Chevy also said they have seen this problem a # of times before. As we speak there is an overheating problem that can't be figured out yet for the 2nd weekend in a row. A trained and expierienced mechanic thought it may be the thermostat or a blown head gasket.

I have had this truck for about 2.5-3 years. And it is 6years old. I bought it at 19,xxx miles when it was 3 going on 4 years old. I paid 11,000 for it. It literally still smelled brand new when I got it! I have extended cab, arctic air conditioning, 6 speakers, am/fm cassette, tilt wheel, cruise control, running boards, bug shield, and a bedliner, map lights on the rearview mirror. So I think i did pretty good.

I have replaced the battery and brakes once. It has had a seatbelt recall, an small or slight problem recall on the engine. The brakes have also been reacalled for ABS computer chip problems and I have replaced the brakes and tires and the muffler. The rearview mirror fell off of the windshield. Glued that back on hasn't fell off again. A small rock hit the windsield on the highway. It left a divot in the glass, but it hasn't cracked at all (not yet).

The water pump was leaking antifreeze on labor day weekend. So the radiator got flushed out. Had it back for a week and it lost antifreeze again. No problem was found. Got it back and they couldn't find a problem. I was told by an exspierenced mechanic that it could be the thermostat or the water pump.

I did have a problem with the engine dieing at stop lights. Turns out it had some type of carbon build-up somewhere that had to be cleaned out. This is a great little truck for women, it means you don't have to depend on someone else for certain things. It also turns a lot of heads. But lady's don't expect the ride that you get in your car. This is a truck. It performs a bit differently. It is made to haul weight, which gives it a smoother ride. You can get all the creature comforts in this truck that your car can give you.

I love the plushness of the interior. You can't get that feeling with the stripped down based model. I don't suggest anyone waste thier time buying a 4 cyl. Get a car then. It won't move fast for you.

The ground clearence is pretty low w/ the running boards on it. They've touched a curb or two. I have been able to get around in the snow pretty good with 150lb. of sand bags in the back.

I really love my s-10, and I would probably buy another one or something comparable. I give it 4 stars just because I have had to fix a few things. But that is bound to happen sometime on any vehicle.

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Ford ranger, Mazda b2200, The Chevy looks better than the Ford, and comes equipped w/more for your money. i almost bought a 2000 s-10, but the payment was too high for me. It had that great 3rd door. But with the third door you only get 5 speakers. 2 in the dash, one in each door, and one on the back passenger side.

[Sep 01, 2000]
Elliot McDonell
Model Reviewed: S10 LS V6 2WD


Engine, interior, ride, gas mileage, towing, looks, fairly reliable, easy maintenance, paint job gets lots of compliments, factory alloys are great looking with any tires.


brakes are pretty bad, factory audio sucks, stock tires suck but look good on the factory alloys, speed governor (97MPH).

I bought this truck with speed in mind... I was trying to decide between a Ford or Toyota when an S10 caught my eye. It looked nice, but I test drove it and found it to be weak (2.2L). I test-drove a 4.3 manual & found it screamed. Mine is a 4.3 5-speed, no extended cab short bed, with the stock Uniroyal Tiger Paws. It actually went pretty good in the snow. The tires suck, but seem to last forever. Many people comment about the paint job, it is quite nice & I haven't garaged it since I bought it. The engine runs very strong, I have raced everything from a F-150 to a Dodge Dakota Sport and have not lost (at stop lights). My good friend has a Ranger 4.0 with intake/exhaust/power chip/K&N, etc and he will still not even try to race me.
Gas mileage is great, considering I can shift at 2000 rpm's and it will not lug the extremely torquey engine. Freeway mileage is usually around 26+ MPG!
Aftermarket additions: Rugged Liner bed/tailgate liner, dashmat, Alpine CD, dark window tint.

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First pickup owned, but everyone who rides in it says they wish they had it.

[Aug 09, 2000]
Model Reviewed: Chevy S-10 Extend Cab


It looks sharp with the fog lights and the nice black grille in the front. The extended cab with the jump seats in the back leaves a little extra room to fit whatever, from sub boxes to golf clubs. The shifting from gear to gear is realativly easy (yes, 5 speed). It takes corners real tight (power steering) and the acceleration is decent for a 2.8, 6-cylinder. Bucket seats with the center console are nice. Center console really comes in handy. The 20-gallon gas tank is nice, I really only need to fill it up every 2 weeks or so.


It really has no power at all and with the air conditioning on "dogs" quite a bit going up any incline. The fuse cover pops off quite easily espically with the clutch being right there. The clutch has to be let out quite far. The factory speakers were crap but then again it looks as if someone has blown out the front ones. I had them replaced and now i notice the back ones handle next to no bass (4X10's). The windshield wipers only have 2 different settings low and fast instead of having a bunch of different delays, which is useable but more delays would be more convient.

I had paid $5,100, with just about 75,000 miles on it. It really wasn't a steal and there was and still is some fixing up to do. I would recommend this to anyone who's in looking for a good looking pick-up that saves a little money on gas. It will haul a little in the bed but nothing with a decent amount of wieght. Maybe some mulch chips or some furniture but nothing over 1,500-2000 pounds. If even that. It really leaves a lot of options open when looking for any type of stereo system like adding subs or anything. The gas tank is nice and even with no tilt steering wheel still sits good to drive. Overall it works for me great.

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I've driven my friend's 89 S-10 Pickup the clutch was much tighter with the relase. Basically everything else was the same (no power steering though). He put bucket seats in b/c of not liking the bench.

[Aug 26, 2000]
Model Reviewed: S-10 Xcab 4.3L FWD


4.3L good for towing and in snow


At first I'd say none...but now, cooling system is shot @ 55K miles, major corrosion!!! (try chunky chocolate milk for fluid), technician claims it shouldn't be running, thinks there's 350K miles on system.
Just checked it out with friend ...blown head gasket) Also, had major electrical short...all instruments died (headlights, A/C, radio, speedometer, etc.), rotors need replacing every 2 years, be sure and buy extended bumper to bumper...will never make it to pay-off. Always been a Chevy-man, but...maybe not this time.

I still love chevy, but what do i buy this week?

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1993 S-10

[Jul 30, 2000]
Sloth Jr
Model Reviewed: S-10 4cyl.


So far, mechanically reliable (but see transmission note in weaknesses)
Well-thought out instrumentation package


buzzy engine (4 cyl)
transmission developed a tendency to "seek" at around 2300-2500 rpm
Driver side door arm-rest (keeps popping off)
"Cheap" feel, especially with regards to sheet metel (very thin)

Paid around $11,000 new. You really couldn't buy a more stripped vehicle than ours: 4 cylinder engine, 4-speed transmission (okay, so we could've
got a stick), no radio/AC, bench seat, standard cab, short bed, dull silver color with cheesy bronze pinstriping. I put moderate highway miles on this
truck, around 50-60 miles a day - mostly a commuter.

Initially, I found the steering to "wander", and feel a bit disconnected (a problem I've noticed in many other GM vehicles). Very little wind and road noise transmits, though this has gotten a bit worse as time has gone on (truck has +70k miles on it). Gas mileage has always been good, on the order of 25mpg. Around 12k miles, the transmission developed a tendency to "seek" back and forth around 2300 to 2500rpm. This drives me absolutely crazy, and is my single biggest gripe about the vehicle. Truck has also developed a plethora of squeaks and rattles that don't inspire confidence.

Fit and finish is not great - the driver's side armrest has a tendency to pop out for no apparent reason (and has since mile 0). Sheet metal feels very thin and flimsy, especially in the bed.

Pawfoot tires really are sub-par, especially in snow (traction is abysmal). Brakes are pretty good - though I really can't tell any difference wrt ABS versus "standard" brakes. Several times, I've had to slam on the brakes, almost sure I was about to pancake the car in front of me, but ended up stopping with plenty of room.

So far, have had no reliability problems that required a shop visit (wait, there WAS a recall about windshield wipers that occasionally wouldn't work - a problem I DID experience. A day in the shop and the problem is history). The engine, despite being VERY buzzy (often elicits concern from passengers), leaks no oil, and is powerful enough. Payload capacity seems limited, but this is probably because I one time SERIOUSLY abused it (loaded about 3700 pounds of gravel in the bed - almost tore off my bumper when I entered our bumpy drive). Short bed is just a mistake, one that I'll never make again.

Instrumentation and controls are about a million times better than the tripe GM was putting out in 88-90. However, one gotcha - I've run out of gas three times on this truck. The fuel guage is not very accurate, and though this vehicle has a 20-gallon tank, the times that I've run it out of gas, the tank only took 18 gallons. Hmmm.

Handling seems to be pretty good for a truck when not loaded. A tendency to sway when loaded. Not a particularly BAD vehicle so far, but certainly not a great one either. Probably the last GM vehicle I'll buy. While my Ranger had some minor mechanical problems throughout its long history in our family, I just *liked* it better than the S-10.

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1984 Ford Ranger - a nicer truck than the S-10, though a bit more tempermental mechanically. Ranger felt to be a much more "solid" vehicle.

[Aug 05, 2000]
Model Reviewed: S-10, I-4


Good gas millage, sporty styling, selectable options, quite engine, decent acceleration for a 4 cylinder, good for trips to the dunmp or LOWES to pick up, or drop of stuff.


Ground clearence is too low, bass speakers can't handle loud music, other than that I love it.

My truck was a birthday present from my dad for my 16th birthday. I love it so far and have'nt had any problems with it. The 4 cylinder engine is very peppy but not made for towing 5,000lb trailers. This is a truck made for getting around town with the convenience of a truck bed for hauling trash, a sofa, etc. I have found that a K&N air filter really improves horsepower and they are relatively cheap for an added 20hp. I would recommend this truck to anyone that wants a small sized pickup, but I would spring the extra cash for the V-6 or a Z-R2. I would also reccomend putting a JL stealthbox with two subs in the back for awesome bass sound, b/c the factory speakers aren't too great.

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Chevy Silverado, Toyota Tacoma, not really comparable to these V-8 and V-6 trucks.

[Aug 01, 2000]
Randy Wright
Model Reviewed: Extreme Ext. Cab


I love the power of the V-6,it is very quick.The overall body styling is very attractive.It is a good looking truck.I agree,the brakes need alot of work


I have a loose speaker wire in the CD player that is driving me crazy,the dealer can't find it.The road noise is a little loud on the highway.

I got a very good deal on the 2000 Extreme,my girlfriend's son is salesman
for one of the bigger lots here.I paid about 20,000.for the truck with 7 miles on when I drove it of hte lot.Yes I would recommend it.It is a very good looking truck with the ground effects.However I would recommend that you get the V-6 not the 4cyl. It is worth the extra money!! My two previous trucks had the 4 cyl.

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This is my third S-10. I've owned a 97 I bought used (7156)miles on it.
I've also owned a 99 I bought new. I have a paper route that I have used all three on and the only complaint I have is the brakes suck.

[Jul 24, 2000]
Model Reviewed: S-10 LS std. cab I-4 man.


I especially like the 98+ design the interior treatment is worth it. the I-4 is surprisingly quick and the manual trans and shifter are nice. The truck also repsonds well to modifications of which there are plenty


Brakes weren't great until I upgraded my tires. The wheels and tires are too small. A/c needs a lower setting,Its too cold. Really tall people beware, I have a 6'4 friend who feels cramped in it. Stupid cup holders

I paid 12,000$ for this truck, tax, tag, and title, brand new, it was an incredible deal. Spend the extra money to get either the ZQ8(lowered) or the ZR2(higher) suspensions, trust me they are both worth it. I got mine stock and ended up lowering it anyway. Get better wheels and tires as well, it makes the biggest difference out of anything you can buy. I regurally use it on 4 hr drives and it is very comfortable to me. Great gas mileage about 28-29 highway

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Ranger and toyota they just dont seem as good looking, the build quality doesnt seem as good.

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