Jeep Wrangler (2010 and older) SUV | Crossover

Jeep Wrangler (2010 and older) SUV | Crossover 


The Jeep Wrangler is a 2-door, 4-passenger sport-utility, available in 3 trims, ranging from the Sport to the Rubicon.

All trims are equipped with a standard 3.8-liter, V6, 202-horsepower engine that achieves 15-mpg in the city and 19-mpg on the highway.


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[Apr 02, 2001]
Model Reviewed: Wrangler


Sporty, fun, good handling. Excellent off-road capability.
Good value. My Jeep is about seven years old and it still retails for $8,000.


Gas mileage ,of course. I've also had a leakeage problem around the windshield.

My family has been driving Jeep since my dad was 23 years old and currently own four (a cherokee, a grand, a YJ, and a CJ). I would never buy anything but a Jeep. Of the four that we own my Wrangler is definitely my favorite. It has gotten me out of the snow, the mud, and even gotten me a few dates. This thing will go anywhere unlike it's wannabe "competition". This car was a graduation present and I will keep it forever. In fact I am in the market for a new Jeep (different model) but I will always keep my Wrangler. It is the best car that I have ever driven. As for it being cold in the winter, I have NEVER had that problem. In fact, my hardtop Sahara gets downright HOT. And for those that think it's going to tip, then you don't know how to drive it. It's such a wonderful feeling when I have people (both men and women) tell me they wish that they had my car.

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Jeep Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, CJ-5

[Mar 27, 2001]
Model Reviewed: Wrangler


-Size, Mobility, Endless limitations of driving terrain, low end power, reliability and most importantly able to hold its value$$$


-Having to drive everyone you know around on hot summer days with the top down. I could imagine worse things!

I purchased my 1997 Wrangler in June of 1997 with 8,000 miles on it. I recently sold it with 75,000 miles. From my original purchase price to what I sold it for it roughly cost me $80 a month to drive. That is unbelievable!!! I had more fun in that car than I have had in any other car. I beat the crap out of that thing and it just came back for more. AIRBORNE a couple of times. I remember when I first purchased this jeep everyone told me that it would tip over. Believe me you can not tip this thing over( I tried). I sold this with the original brake pads, rotors everything. I had to put a starter in it about a month ago and that is it. I would highly recommend this vehicle to anyone looking to have a good time. I am already missing this vehicle and has only been a few days. I replaced it with a 2001 Grand Cherokee with all the bells and whistles and I would trade back in a second if my wife would let me.

TREAD LIGHTLY if you keep your tires on the GROUND!!

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[Mar 23, 2001]
Model Reviewed: Sport


Looks, ride, off-road ability, utility, FUN FUN FUN


hmmmmm.... ok gas mileage

OK....enough of the smoozing. I'm pushing 40, and kicking myself for not buying one of these sooner. It's a whole new driving experience. The truck has been reliable so far, and has plenty of power. Get the I6. Also , get the 25D pkg...and get the TRACK-LOK...unless you plan on installing a locker (those of you who are serious Jeepers will know what that is).

There are two types of Jeep Owners...the Jeepers...and the, well, people who buy Jeeps to be cool (these never really challenge their Jeeps). I'm a Jeeper. If your a Jeeper, be prepared to empty your savings account on Modifications (Lift, Tires, Lockers, ect..ect..). Of couse the stock Jeep is very capable, but if you ever go on a Jamboree or organized trip of sorts, you'll get bit by the "mod bug". These vehicles are amazing. Even stock...I couldn't believe what it would do off road.

The on road ride is not near as bad as some would have you believe. I drove a Ford Ranger for years.....and my Sport's ride is comparable (But I can't speak for the YJ or CJ that have leaf springs). I also disagree about the noise. I drive on the highway with my hard top on at 75 mph and it is no more noisy than many of the economy cars I ride in. Ok Ok..It's not a lincoln or cadillac..but it's not as bad as some would make it out to be.

Overall....a great vehicle that will transform your life.... the way...did I mention that it is FUN FUN FUN to drive.

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It's a Jeep, there are no similar products :-)

[Mar 22, 2001]
Model Reviewed: , cj7


Power, looks, off-road capabilities. I could keep going but i am not


Leaks(terrible) I fixed a few but they just keep coming back. Around the rear windows, around the windshield, around the fresh air vent.Endless amounts of water.

Well where do i begin. It is the only vehicle that you can take the top off and cruise up to the lake and people stare at you. It is the only vehicle that you can strap 2 4-wheelers behind it and people stare at you. My jeep has a 304 v8. My goodness it kicks out some major horsepower. I have some 12" buckshot mudders and i can spin my tires in 1st and oh yea 2nd gears. I LOVE IT. Like they say. Jeep ITS THE ONLY ONE...

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1995 really doesn't compare but it is the only other suv i have driven.

[Mar 22, 2001]


Well lets face it there is only one "jeep"
If you would like to catch the attention of the opposite sex the jeep is the only way to go.It is also the only 4x4 convertable (geos trackers.....dont count)trust me in in miami i know.
but if your into trailing just spend a measly 600 bucks guy a hard top and a trailing you will go.the jeep is ver very good in off road re also relativly cheap on the jeep
it is also the only contertable I have seen with a roll bar in case of turnover.As for versatility no other commonly used vehicle compares.the jeep has more accessories and aftermarket products than a harley...speaking of harley.the wrangler is probably the only street vehichle that easily appreciates in value.a 75'cj actually sells for 10,000(mint condition.


ahhhh yes,where do i begin.leak leak leak leak.when i bought my jeep the main oil seal done.Normally on any other vechicle this is a $300 max job.But oh to see the delight or frown depending on if the mechanic is greedy or lazy,when he finds out you have a 4x4 and the transfer case must be removed.the 300 dollar job is now 600.then the gas tank started to leak.because of the jeep mechanical designers infinate idiocy the left and right side of the tank are exposed but luckily I am here for you all to read about it(no thank to you smokers who throw your buts out the window.. :-).then every gasket will leak at least twice in one year.
highway driving can almost crawl a vertical slope at 5mph but cant go over a speed bump sized hill at 65 top speed by the way.
then my jeep had a electrical fire and i had to replace the engine wire loom...very hard part to find.considering allthe used jeeps i found were in the junk yard for the very same fire problem.
hmm soft top is a pain in the @$$to put up. if you want space
jeep is not for you. if you want luxury.try again.if you want good gas milage you would spend less money towing it from A to B.some of you might be thinking .you have a lot of complaints for just paying 3500,well ill get to that right now..........

I say again "THER IS ONLY ONE JEEP",and if fixed up nice with all the accesories they make a very good all terrain and all purpose vechicle.
the uniquness alone is a must have.

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for the price "my" jeep gave a lot of problems.I have purched other vechicles in the relavitly same price range with not near the amount of issues.But ..............

[Mar 16, 2001]
Model Reviewed: sahara


Abilities offroad are simply amazing, at first. But I dont think that many
would ever need all this vehicle is truly cabable off anyway. The amount of aftermarket accesories for this vehicle is simply amazing. Do you know any other car or suv that can choose from well over thirty different front bumpers? Didnt think so. One the most FUN things you could ever purchase. Visibilty is quite good. The windshield folds down, if you ever get a wrangler you have got to try it. Nothing compares.


Windsheild folds down, only a weakness when a truck in front you drives over sand when you are going over 40 behind. Feels like 100 tiny bee stings on your face. Dont try this at home kid. Gas mileage, of course. Loud, of course. Windsheild is prone to pebbles kicked up by cars in front.
And of course lack luxuries i.e. power windows etc...

If you really like the sun, buy it. Its the convertible convirtible available. No wrangler owner will argue with me on this one. The windsheild folds down the doors come off. Try to beat that, try. Not a car for creature comforts, go figure. Not a family car. Not all that fun in the cold. But any warm day will make up for that once you crank it. Makes you pray for sunshine and hate rainy days. Overall I couldnt have made a better choice. Did I mention it probably one the most fun things made for mankind. It is.

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The wrangler doest really compare, it has it's own genre.

[Jun 08, 2001]


Out of the box off road
soild front axel


Oil leaks. Common Jeep! this is my 3rd Jeep in 15 years and this is the worst one! Every 3 months its in the shop for a leaking this or that! I have found this to be a common problem with other Jeep owners with 98-01 Jeeps ... I'm ready to trade for an older Jeep or an Isuzu Amigo. Jeep needs to get a clue soon

Great truck except for the 10 vists to the dealer of Oil, transmition and rear diff leaks!

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1992 YJ jeep, 1988 Trooper. Both very soild trucks. with over 180K on both. The 10yr, 120K warrenty is looking very good right now with Isuzu!

[Jun 08, 2001]


The most capable 4x4 available for under $40,000.


Daimler Chrysler, come on, have you seen the new Liberty

It has been nothing but fun. It may not be as smooth on the road as a tracker or sportage but then again it is a REAL offroad vehicle. If you are looking to buy one just because of the soft top then buy something else. Odds are you will never use it for what it was designed for and you'll just complain about the interior space and no vanity mirror to check your lipstick

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Nothing compares to it, it's a jeep!

[Mar 01, 2001]
Model Reviewed: Wrangler Sport


Goes up and down ANYTHING like a mountain goat. Top down and the whole world is there to see. No fears in the cold New England snow ('cept for those other monster Inquistion drivers). Of course, the wave. 'Nuff said


The usuals: gas, space, somewhat bumpy. But whadya expect?!

Some complain of comfort issues but I'd trade all that to stay in my baby. Was surprisingly comfy to/from the Great Smokies and you don't hafta stick to the main drags with the Campers and Tourons. Avoid the 4-banger and go for the gusto of the 6 as well as as many accoutrements as you can afford(beat it outta them if ya hafta!). Giving it all the fried turds 'cause my baby works for me. If you wanna be in a lux mobile with power windows/locks, etc. go someplace else. If ya wanna be on top of a mountain enjoying the fresh air, then go for it but tread lightly so others can enjoy the view.

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"There is only one."

[Mar 02, 2001]


Just about go anywhere and not care to much about getting stuck.
I just went to pass an emissions test for inspection and didn't...I'm running to rich...but I get 19mpg and have 200,000 on it....I don't get it...anyone want to buy a jeep?
she's in perfect condition less the miles...@!!!!


Carbuerator!!!! YUCK@!@@!@!!!

Whhooooohoooo, I love my jeep!!!Get one, it's worth it!!!

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? There are none....
Jeep, there's only one...

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