Porsche Boxster (2010 and older) Sports

Porsche Boxster (2010 and older) Sports 


The Boxster is a 2-door, 2-passenger convertible sports car, available in two trims, the Convertible and the S.

The Convertible is equipped with a standard 2.9-liter, H6, 255-horsepower engine that achieves 19-mpg in the city and 27-mpg on the highway. The S is equipped with a standard 3.4-liter, H6, 310-horsepower engine that achieves 19-mpg in the city and 26-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims, and a 7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional.


Showing 61-62 of 62  
[Jul 27, 2001]
Model Reviewed: Bosxster S


Powerful engine for a little car. Power control top. Both windows lowered in preparation when operating top up or opening doors. Nice big red caliper painted brakes. Full leather feel. White face dials. Three spokes steering wheels. Heated seats for winter evening drive. Bright shine Litronic headlights, gas density charged lights.


Back plastic window
Please note, I am not the only one who said this!

Oh, I am in heaven, I am in cloud nine. This car has been nothing but pure driving pleasure.
Porsche is a great little sport car to enjoy when it comes to handling and performance. The engine roars as you put it into second gear to take off. I am certainly not a great car racer myself, but this car has improve my driving and handling on the road beyond my wildest dreams. It gives you a strong confidence and a stable feeling to take on a turn at around 50 mph, when it is supposed to be at only 25 mph. The car is dead on glued to the road. Yahooo!
What a feeling! :)

You might share my feelings on what I have to say about this car, but please do visit a dealer and take it out for a test drive, and you will probably know exactly what I mean.! :)

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[Aug 03, 2001]


Engine torque of the 2.7 at low engine speeds.
The snarl that becomes a shriek as the tach winds up.
Air management with the top down.
Reliable, with infrequent service intervals, like no Porsche in the past.
Surprising luggage capacity.


Cleaning the rear windows every two weeks, but it's manageable.
Some rattles and squeaks with the top up.
Radio reception is marginal, as one would expect with no antenna.
Amplifier/speaker performance is marginal, but who listens to anything other than the engine anyway?
Could have used about one more inch of leg room.

Fabulous. Handling is unbelievable. Makes you look at all those people in SUVs and wonder what the HELL they were thinking. Then again, looking at the way some people manage to tart up their Boxsters with $20K or more of totally unnecessary options makes you wonder about them as well. Yellow seatbelts, fella? Carbon fiber door sills inserts? TIPTRONIC??? Are you kidding me?

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