Thule Kayak Carrier 874 Rack Systems
Thule Kayak Carrier 874 Rack Systems
[Dec 01, 2000]
Mr. Grinch
Model Reviewed:
holds well and doesnt let the kayak move
no lock works well and saved you plenty of time strapping it down. needs locks Similar Products Used: homemade |
[Jul 17, 2000]
Sturdy and flexible. The saddle pad retains its flex, yet does not tear where the strap is fed through. The elastic material forms to the curvature of the kayak.
Minor difficulty in shifting location of saddle along rack rod. Since I rarely ever move it, this is not a real problem. The strap must be fed underneath the rack bar in-between the saddles if you don't want to hear a high-pitched buzz from the vibrating strap at 60 mph. Bought this four years ago...package price I forget. Recommend for routine sea kayak hauling. I rack my own boat by placing it on its gunwale alongside the saddle, then rocking over the edge of the nearmost saddles. The flexible saddle supports the kayak while rolling over and into the carrying position without allowing any contact with metal. The tip of the saddle bends quite a bit while doing this...I've experienced no tear or breakage on the equipment. Similar Products Used: This saddle appears to be better than the Yakima saddle. And, remember Pacific Northwesterners, Yakima brands are from California, not Yakima, WA. |