Planet Audio BB15DVC Subwoofers
Planet Audio BB15DVC Subwoofers
[Nov 19, 2009]
arturo sanchez
Model Reviewed:
planet audio bb15dvc 2ohm
very loud, durable. i can feel my hair moving beacause of the bass it even makes my ears hurt. For the people whom first get in my car after getting off they tell me i had trouble breathing in there. and it felt like my eyeballs were moving.
i have to say nothing, one time i was driving to a friends house which is half in hour away from mine, the whole drive over there seemed fine my spaekers were creating chaos when i arrived at my friends house i turned down the thump and realized one of my spakers sounded like it was blown it was making a distorted sound. i parked hopped in the back seat of my rodeo come to find out my text book was leaning against my left woofer the whole time, i picked up the text book hoping my speaker didn't have a hole in it. speaker was fine not a scratch and still creating chaos but the text book on the other hand looks almost as if someone graved a file and filed the corners. These subs really go after there name big bang; planet audio was right it's almost like creating your own earthquake.I paid $140 for 2 planet audio bb15dvc woofers and i am more than satisfied with these things. i have them hooked up to an audiobahn amp model# a2150hcq im not sure what the wattage is on this thing every site i have gone to give me different specs i can say that this amp and these woofers are kick ass put problems up to this point it's been 8 to 9 months i'v been thumping these things, and they still thump like the first time they were put in. Similar Products Used: i'v had other woofers before but none of them even come close to even being compared to these things i'v had two diamond 12", two q-power deluxe 12", two proacustic 15", and two titan hifonics 12". Now i think those woofers are jokes compared to these things. |