Cerwin Vega IT-12.0 Subwoofer Subwoofers
Cerwin Vega IT-12.0 Subwoofer Subwoofers
[Apr 13, 2003]
Very low bass line with clarity and maybe close enough to what is referred to as "an accurate speaker"
What is the deal with the plastic rim around the speaker ,when a good bass line hits it begins to unstick and cause distortion and maybe even cause damage to the speaker,but that's it, otherwise it is a great subwoofer Its a very good hard hitting speaker and for your own personal sounds and not for spl with great reflex and clean bass with very low distortion if any Similar Products Used: Audiopipe,Pioneer IMPP,Jensen XS |
[Jun 13, 2002]
Model Reviewed:
IT subwoofer
they hit hard and sound great no matter what kind of music listen to.
none The It subwoofer are great subs if your looking for quality bass not spl. The are some great subs with no space loss. One other great things is thr less than one cubic foot per sub. The best thing is, I can sell some to you cheeper than anyone, hell crutchfield can't even beat my prices. Crutchfield sell them for 250 I sell them for 200 to 225. so if you want one e-mail me at DK_Electronics@yahoo.com Similar Products Used: none |