ads R12s Subwoofers
ads R12s Subwoofers
[Oct 11, 2010]
Model Reviewed:
Excellant sound quality, with minimal overhang. Ability to handle heaps of power
Nil I purchased this and replaced my JBL GTO1202D's to run a single as my interim sound system. The subwoofer was run with a precision power amplifier. My front and speakers are Boston RC61 splits with Boston RC51 rear fill. The ADS is like having a woofer without the rumble, when playing my system, I am aware that the subwoofer is played and it responded with accuracy and minimal overhang. The woofer was placed in a 1 cu ft sealed box with dacron inside. I was providing them with 200rms and it performed very well with the rest of the system and was not as boomy and loud as my JBL but being a sound quality subwofoer, it really is. I have never used a sq subwofoer to this specifications and abilities and I really likeed how it sounded in pop/ rock and jazz music. I would highly recommend this subwoofer to anyone who loves sound quality rather than boomin' bass that rattles your cars panels like crazy. Similar Products Used: Boston 10LF,JBL GT-12, JBL GT1202D. Soundstream Rubicon 12 |