Cerwin Vega SS-4602P Stealth Audio Loudspeaker Speakers
Cerwin Vega SS-4602P Stealth Audio Loudspeaker Speakers
[Dec 21, 2000]
You couldn't ask for more out of 4x6's. The sq is wonderful and they still pack a nice little punch around 80hz, which is where I have the high pass cross-over set. These babies can get lound and are extremely accurate. The highs are so accurate and piercing you can't help but twinge. Little symbols are so accurate and crisp and loud its like a needle in ur ear...I love it.
Since they are in my door panels, they aren't as loud as my 6x9's when supplied the same wattage, so I have to adjust the gain on my amp (Kenwood KAC-848). I'm pushing 50w rms into each speaker and couldn't ask for a better response. The sq is unreal. As I said earlier, for 4x6's they pack a nice little bass punch around 80hz. If you are going to get 4x6's you had better get these or you'll be wasting money and precious wattage you could be using to produce spectacular sq and music presentation. I'm bordering on audiophyle so if I like these, you will love them!!! Similar Products Used: Haven't found another 4x6 that comes close to comparing with these. |