Whistler XTR 500 Series (500, 520, 550, 560, 585) Radar Detectors

Whistler XTR 500 Series (500, 520, 550, 560, 585) Radar Detectors 


  • Dual Alert LED Periscope
  • Easy-to-Understand Real Voice
  • Stay Alert
  • Safety Warning System


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[May 14, 2008]
Model Reviewed: Whistler XTR - 560


Loud alerts, Voice alerts, Cool blue backlight display, Good range.


Too sensitive to VG-2 alerts [goes off at gas stations and my school a lot].

I've owned and used this product for a couple of months, and compared to my old detector [Cobra ESD 9550], this thing is godly. The range is at least 3 times greater than my old one. I used to get alerts and once I heard it, you could already see the cop somewhere. I would NOT recommend any kind of Cobra to ANYONE, I've never heard anything good about them.

This new one, goes off in a good deal in advance, however you have to guess where he's at and have to look for him. Although it worth the extra time in order to slow down IF speeding. Yes..IF. I don't use detectors as an excuse to speed, I use them to remind me to be aware IF I'm speeding. It's not that hard, I once hit 80 mph when my brother took me driving on the highway, and I didn't even notice!!

This detector costs about 110 to 130 depending where you get it at, I got mine off eBay for 55, friggin sweet deal. I got the Cobra for free as a [used] gift, so I used that one for a few years.

The Whistler is good for anyone who doesn't want to spend a lot of money on a fancy detector, but with a good amount of range. I would recommend to anyone that doesn't want to spend over 150 to buy this one, but for more money there are better ones out there.

Similar Products Used:

Cobra ESD 9550, and Cobra ESD 6200

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