Whistler XTR 500 Series (500, 520, 550, 560, 585) Radar Detectors
Whistler XTR 500 Series (500, 520, 550, 560, 585) Radar Detectors
[May 14, 2008]
Model Reviewed:
Whistler XTR - 560
Loud alerts, Voice alerts, Cool blue backlight display, Good range.
Too sensitive to VG-2 alerts [goes off at gas stations and my school a lot]. I've owned and used this product for a couple of months, and compared to my old detector [Cobra ESD 9550], this thing is godly. The range is at least 3 times greater than my old one. I used to get alerts and once I heard it, you could already see the cop somewhere. I would NOT recommend any kind of Cobra to ANYONE, I've never heard anything good about them.
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