Whistler DE1630 Radar Detectors
Whistler DE1630 Radar Detectors
[Oct 01, 2001]
Model Reviewed:
Special Edition
Cool look, compass, memo feature, good pickup, not so many false alarms, secure clip+sucton cups, can be cordless too.
pricey, the one pictured above is 50 bucks less because i dont think it has the compass and accesories but hey better than getting a speeding ticket of a cop right? Ok, I got the special edition one which looks the same in the picture above but its silver (cool ass look) and has a compass. This is my 2nd detector and i am satisfied with it. Caught a cop hiding behind a constructen building at night (pretty sneeky of him eh?). Picked him up 1.5 mile away. Similar Products Used: Cobra ESD-6200 (it died in a year, powers up but doesnt respond to radar traps, not even false alarms. was pretty good when was working and had good design.) |