Uniden LRD6599SWS Radar Detectors
Uniden LRD6599SWS Radar Detectors
[Dec 14, 1999]
The radar performs well under many conditions on and off the road. The detection of x and ka bands is very well detected. The SWS is an added plus making highway driving safer and informing the driver of oncoming traffic conditions. The voice alerts also are a positive of this detector, allowing the driving to know when a radar or laser band is detected helping the driver know in time when to be cautious. This allows the driver to keep his eyes on the road rather than check regularly of any radar signals. The led display is also very clear and detailed in displaying the radar of laser being detected.
The basic flaw I found was that I have never detected a laser band. It makes me question the effectiveness of detecting laser bands. Also my cigarette lighter adaptor broke within one year of use. It is true that I constantly unhooked the plug but I did it only to prevent the theft of this machine from my car. This specific Uniden radar detector is a good investment in safety and preventing skyrocket insurance costs. The Led display is very clear and the voice alerts are in a soothing voice. The SWS is a brillant feature added to this radar detector allowing the driver to receive added safety while driving on the highways. The unit is an overall plus for anyone deciding to purchase a good radar detector at a fairly affordable price. Similar Products Used: n/a |
[Dec 15, 1999]
Model Reviewed:
92 Cutlass Supreme
Every that this guys said above ! Great product very happy with it detects cops even if they dont use Speed Guns ! detects cops from 2 miles away !! Great buy , saved my @$$ from 3 speeding tickets !
None One of the best radar's on the market Similar Products Used: None |
[Aug 17, 2001]
Model Reviewed:
Uniden LRD6599SWS
constant false alerts on all the models. I have owned 3 Uniden's Similar Products Used: I have used the Bell 980 and the Escort 8500 never got a ticket, detected |