Escort ZR3 Radar Detectors
Escort ZR3 Radar Detectors
[Apr 14, 2006]
Model Reviewed:
I am now trying to get 2 new front LED's as they have been destroyed in an accident and it seems its not so easy to get them. I was travelling at 180KM on a 120KM zone whensuddenly my Shifter zr3 start screaming I slowdown and in front a traffic officer stopped me.
[Aug 06, 2004]
Model Reviewed:
zr3 laser shifter
works when you need it...and gives u plenty of time...gave me at leas 3 seconds ( altho my adrenaline was rushing so i cant be sure on exact time)
looks cheap, expensive, get ripped on by everyone telling you ur waisting ur money lol.... honestly when i first got this product installed in my vehicle, i was a lil skeptickle, the head unit for the zr3 looks very cheap, and the rear unit is completley obvious. But i have to say within 3 days this unit has already saved my ass. basically i was in the same situation as the other guy driving over a small bridge when all of a sudden my x50 starts goin nuts ( the shifter is hooked up to my x50) im crusin at 75 so i hit the brakes to 63 hit mute twice and a second later everything goes quite...bout 3 seconds later i see a cop at the end of the bridge. thank god it actually worked haha i would have been completley screwed. unfortinitly being 17 years old and making around 2000 a month in the summer leaves u with money to spare....and you still have to use your head with it, i guess even im bound to get pulled over one day, jus hopefully not today :)..honeslyt if u have the money definitly could come in handy...or....u could jus go the speed limit haha, that always works 2 |
[Mar 26, 2004]
it works so far.
haven't found any. got my zr3 installed about 3 weeks ago. got hit with laser once driving over a bridge just as the bridge ends and the road goes down hill slightly. cop was on the side of the road inside is car which was parked sideways. cop was shooting laser out the driver window (which was down). zr3 front went off, 8500 was quiet (8500 mounted high behind tinted part of windshield). i slowed down. was going fast enough to get a 'reckless' ticket in Virginia. cop just looked down at his gun. passed the cop and he just sat there. glad i had it and glad i live close to Maryland so i can get all the cool stuff that is illegal in Virginia and legal everywhere else. I recomend the zr3. Similar Products Used: Passport 8500 X50 |
[Mar 24, 2004]
Model Reviewed:
Toyota Tacoma
Works better than advertised
Nothing Here is an addendum to the review I wrote about the ZR3 Shifter. Well, I am a restaurant manager with a lot of police officers in and out of my store. With my background in law enforcement, I have developed a good rapport with these guys. Well, I told them about my ZR3 shifter, and they asked if they could pit their laser gun against my Toyota truck..ZR3 Equipped. About 2am last night, they got their laser pro gun out and I drove across, back and forth, across the walmart lot from zero feet out to 498 feet- with the Laser Pro unit trying to measure my speed. Remember, that the shifter is designed to work from 1000ft down to 450 ft. Here, 95% of the test was done well inside of the 450ft mark. Here are the results: First time..I drove from 498 feet to zero at 15-20mph with them lazing me. They got nothing at all. Zeroes on the speed meter all the way to 20 feet, where I stopped the truck. Then they tried it going away..they were able to get a reading on me by targeting the shiny, flat tool box on the rear of the truck..but this was well within 500 feet during the whole time they were lazing me..and I was running lower than 20mph in a lit parking lot..and easy target. Turning around, and coming back towards them..they got nothing until really close..when they said they got a momentary reading by targeting the top of the windshield..and then, it was almost nothing but a blip on the screen. We went thru this about six times. My conclusions are the following...If they target the front and rear license plate areas out past 450 are safe. Inside of that, you are pretty much safe..if they know where the tranceivers are and try and aim at the top-most flat portions of the vehicle. Mabye then, the may get something on you. The officers conceded that, in a real world laser will have plenty of time to slow down before they have any hope of clocking you with the laser unit. Very interesting..however, I wonder what a second shifting unit mounted high on the vehicle would have done to their ability to clock me within the 450 foot exclusion zone. The ZR3 is pretty much fool proof if used as directed..however, if you want to jam these guys in the walmart lot at under 100 feet..put a second unit on the top of the vehicle and you haven't anything to concern yourself with.. Thanks, Chris Rhyne |
[Mar 17, 2004]
Model Reviewed:
Escort ZR3 Lazer Shifter
Reasonable price, ease of use
Lack of jamming ability on radar..specifically instant-on radar or an experienced radar operator using a hold button. Earlier this week, I had an Escort ZR3 Laser Shifter installed along with an Escort Passport 8500 in my truck. I went with the Escort ZR3/Passport 8500 combo for two reasons. First, because of the fact that laser gives no advance warning and, secondly, because the Escort unit is one of the best on the market, based on what I read during my research into laser detection/jamming devices. The entire cost of the hardware and installation cost me $750. It includes an Escort 8500 Passport, hard wired into the truck, connected to an Escort ZR3, all installed professionally in my truck. May seem expensive..but how much is a ticket, related attorney fees, and increased insurance premiums resulting from one speeding ticket? With laser, like they say, by the time you get a laser alert on a normal detector, you have already gotten a ticket. There is no advanced warning, as with radar. Also, I need to say that I am very familiar with speed measurement devices, such as laser and instant-on I was a patrol officer for a Police Department from 1994 to 2000, and was radar certified in the state of SC, writing thousands of speeding tickets using instant-on radar. I take this instant-on radar and laser technology seriously..because I successfully locked speed measurments via instant-on radar and wrote speeding tickets to many folks with radar detectors. As a matter of fact, I used to get great satisfaction nabbing a speeder with a radar detector. It was like I beat them at their own game. Tonight, I had the first opportunity to see my new Escort ZR3 Laser Shifter in action on the way home from work. I was targeted by a patrol vehicle that was hidden on the side of the road. The system picked up on his laser unit and activated immediately.. jamming his laser unit, just as Escort said it would. The display on the Escort 8500 detector stated "front shifting", which told me he was in front..a couple seconds later, I saw the reflection of his vehicle hidden off the side of the road. I believe that if I had not been using the ZR3 Shifter, I would have been pulled over, because I was running about 15 mph over the posted 65mph speed limit. I startled me pretty badly, since I was not expecting to be ambushed like that...he was out in the middle of nowhere on the side of a divided highway. Between the piercing audible alarm and the LED readout on the Escort 8500..I felt like I was in of those fighter jets you see on TV, when they get a missile lock put on them. Everything worked fine..but it took me a while to get my heart rate back to normal. Anyways, I was happy to see that rather large investment put to work..preventing me from making another rather large investment in fines, attorney fees, and insurance premiums. Also, this unit is not obvious on the truck. The two front transceivers and one rear transceiver mounted inconspicously on the vehicle. The ZR3 shifter box mounts on the top of my steering column and connects to the Escort 8500 detector via a cable that looks like a phone cord. Installation took 3 hours and the installer did a very clean install. He also put the remote mute button on the right side of my steering column. This allows me to mute the unit with one press of the mute button, or with two presses of the button..stop the unit from shifting (jamming), once I have adjusted my speed, to prevent any unwanted attention from law enforcement officers with laser jamming detection capabilities. I am not a speed demon or a danger to society, but just don't want to be targeted by an over-zealous patrol officer because he clocked me at a little over the posted speed limit out on the highway in the middle of the middle of the night. Judging by the performance of this unit tonight, I feel that I have the protection that I need to keep me safe and alert when driving. Also, remember that even with a top notch radar/laser detection system, including a laser shifting are still vulnerable to instant-on radar. Instant on radar is very tricky to detect, and an experienced patrol officer can still get you with good common sense and a "hold" button. If you go out and speed without using some common sense and restraint, you will be sitting on the side of the road giving your license to one of our finest. Finally, please remember that these law enforcement officers are not our enemies..but they are men and women that put their lives on the line for our safety and way of life. No, I don't want a speeding ticket, but still maintain the greatest level of respect for these fine men and women on the opposite end of these radar and laser guns. Thanks, chrisr |
[Nov 28, 2003]
Model Reviewed:
Shifter ZR3
Installation is key to success and it's a pain. Pay a pro and make sure they do it right. (the install manual shows what it should look like when done) Also, keep the "shifters" clean. They probably don't work when covered with road grime. IT WORKS! IT WORKS! IT WORKS! I Installed the ZR3 back in May and didn't get hit with laser until I made my annual trip to Ohio (from SW FL)on Thanksgiving day. Traffic was light but police were the thickest I have ever seen. I lost count of the radar traps before I got half-way through Georgia but I remember each of the three laser traps. YES, THREE! One in Florida and two in Georgia. How do I know it actualy JAMMED the laser guns? Well I'm not going to admit to any specifics, but I could have received a ticket all three times and I SHOULD have received a ticket for two of the three encounters: First, in Florida, the shifter sounded a frontal laser attack before I saw any sign of police. I was watching for patrol cars and he was on foot at the top of a hill-with the laser gun. I am SURE the shifter jammed his laser gun in this encounter because A:I had visions of handcuffs when I looked down at my speed-o as I slammed (and held)the brakes, trying to drop out of warp-speed before point-blank laser range. B: My wife told me he gave a thumbs-up and "-looked right at you." at the last second (point-blank range)-just as my radar detector (mounted high on my mindshield) sounded a laser alert (more than 3-4 seconds after the initial shifter alert) C: I watched the driver of the chase car (It was parked behind the officer on foot) get out of the car, and walk toward the laser-gun holder as the officer pionted at the display on the laser gun.(in my rear-view) If he had got my speed any time before point-blank range, they would have pulled me over for sure. (like I said, visions of HANDCUFFS) Second Encounter: (Georgia)I was hit, with laser, from an over pass but, while I could have got a ticket, I was close enough to the speed limt that he may not have wanted to bother with me. (Don't "know" if I jammed him) Third encounter: (Georga-again) HIT FROM BEHIND!! (They were relentless) I was driving (very quickly) between to "patches" of traffic-all alone when BAM! - The jammer goes off again- less than 30 min after the first Georgia encounter. I slammed the brakes and scanned for police and saw none. I looked down and noticed the Jammer reading "rear." Sure enough there he was on the over-pass behind me. I quickly hit the mute button twice to stop jamming-after my speed was good. I know it Jammed because the lead car in the group behind me got pulled by the same officer. I stayed slow for a few miles after I was hit to see if he (the officer) was going to pull me. Off in the distance, I saw blue lights just as the group I passed, a few minutes before, was catching up to me. The Officer passed me and pulled the poor guy that I passed a few minutes earlier. AND HE WAS GOING AT LEAST 10 TO 15 MPH SLOWER THAN WHEN I WAS HIT. DISCLAIMER: Police don't need an exact number on your speed to give you a ticked. If the officer in florida had not wanted to show the chase-car driver the strange error code on his laser gun, I'm sure they could have given me a ticket for a more general infraction that would have amounted to "improper driving." A word about "Jamming"-it is not an exact science-at least not in the "field." I know little about jamming LIDAR but I was a Marine Corps radio-tech and know that there are to many variables outside of a lab environment to ensure 100% success. That said, the Shifter ZR3 is three for three in my book. Similar Products Used: Bel Vector 985-Also an awsome performer. |