Cobra ESD6060 Radar Detectors
Cobra ESD6060 Radar Detectors
[Mar 26, 2004]
Model Reviewed:
Cobra ESD-6060
Low price, small size
performance at the low end of the scale - but hey - it was only $25.00! Purchased this unit to be used as a backup, but decided to do a side-by-side test against the Cobra XR-1010 that I normally use. The 1010 was able to detect all forms of radar at slightly longer ranges than the 6060. Given that the 1010 is considered to be only slightly better than average, I would have to say that the 6060 would be a less than average performer. Then again, the 6060 was only $25.00 (X-mas sale), so if compared on a performance-per-dollar level, the 6060 would actually rate higher. In the end, if one only had $25-$35 to spend on a radar detector, a 6060 would be much better than nothing. However, I would have to recommend that anyone thinking about a low-end detector consider spending a bit more if they can and look at the Whistler 1793 or Bel 910/920. Similar Products Used: Cobra XR-1010 |