Panasonic CX-DP801 Disc Changers
Panasonic CX-DP801 Disc Changers
[Sep 20, 2000]
Matthew Miller
Model Reviewed:
1998 Volkswagen PASSAT
Small, fits in VWs stock with a $20 adapter from, 8 discs, quick changes when precached.
Can only access 6 discs directly from a VW head unit, disc swaps that aren't from sequential discs take about 10 seconds Fits in a VW with no trouble whatsoever. I swear, I did this mod in the parking lot of the post office and was bangin' to Jurassic Five all the way to work. It's small, smaller than most 6 disc changers, and it'll fix anywhere. In the P., there's a little hatch for a sub into which the 801 had plenty of room and secured nicely with the supplied pieces of double sided tape. Hardly ever skips, although it can't take bumps like my old Phillips handheld CD player could. The 8 disc carts are sort of flimsy, but you're not gonna be stressing them much. My suggestion is to keep a couple extras so you're not constantly popping them open to put new discs in. Similar Products Used: Phillips handheld with casette adapter (ugh) |