Pyramid Audio PB1010GX Amplifiers
Pyramid Audio PB1010GX Amplifiers
[Aug 07, 2003]
Dan Buker
Model Reviewed:
Pyramid PB1010GX
Everything I listed before
Gets quite warm after running wide open signal @ 2 ohms. Never had the heat ammount to anything though. I earlier left a review stating many good and a few bad things about this amp. I wanted to correct and update myself by saying that this amp is completly 2 ohms stable. Mono or Stereo. I used a few subs for a long time that were actually closer to 3.5 ohms than 4.0 ohms by testing it with an ohm meter. With 4 ohms subs (1DVC or 2SVCs) ran parrallel it is 100% stable no matter what signal you force on it, even when you push it past clipping. I've also metered the output myself for people to know what kind of power this really puts out. I metered this amp at just over 900W RMS with my stock 240SX's electrical system. I later installed a 1 farad capacitor and witnessed approximately 1270W RMS(@ 2 ohms). With the help of the cap it now makes as much @ 4 ohms as it did before @ 2 ohms. It'll warm up the motor structure and cone on a pair of 2.5" voicecoiled 600W RMS subs without waiting too long. It's still one of the best deals out there and is still widely available! |
[Mar 16, 2003]
Model Reviewed:
My first... maybe 1999
The price for the output is among the greatest out there. I've seen $125 and it pushes as hard as any amp in it's class that can't draw over 50amps. It's also very reliable. I've blow the fuses on my 1010GX only when I tried to run 2 ohms mono to the 15s. One amp I received has had a burned out LED for the power ever since it was bought but besides that I've had over 4 years of reliable hatch bouncing sounds. I've also seen this amp hooked up for highs and they sound very clear... if you want to use them that way, go ahead. That may be where one of mine will end up when I do a serious overhaul.
Doesn't do 2 ohms Mono. So if you have less than 4 voice coils to hook up you'll only get nearly all of it's power. If you want to hook one of these up to a Dual voice coil speaker it won't be doing it 2 ohms. But 4 ohms works terrific. If you got some serious ultra high wattage speakers than you can power them well but not nearly all the way with this amp and you'll have the throw them away and get other more serious amps to get any louder. There are some very good things I have to say about this amp but first I'd like to note a few points that could possibly help a few of you out there. First, this amp is only available as a two Channel amp that is bridgeable to one channel. Second, It's written that it is 2 ohms stable in which it is but not mono 2 ohms stable. STEREO 2 ohm. You must have 4 Voice coils (2 DualVCs or 4 SingleVC subs) to extract 100% of it's potential but running 4 ohms extract nearly 85 - 90% in my opinion. Running 2 ohms Mono (bridging the amp and running the + and - straight to two Voice coils) will run but if the signal hits sharp you'll find it'll cut out and protect itself. I have had 2 of these amps in my lifetime. The have a fuse rating of 50 amps. I have to say that the rating is among the most honest a rating you see among amps. I can compare to two other popular amps. A friends Sony XM-2156GTX amps (159.99) rated at 2X30 amp fusing pushed the same speakers I power so close that the box differences and car setup is all that made mine sound that much more intense when listening to a tone test track. Another amp I can compare is a kicker 02KX500.2 rated at 2X35 amp fusing powering Fosgate DVC 15s. It was more powerful for sure than my 1010gx. I'd say the kicker pushed approximately 15% more juice to the speakers but it maybe more if DVC rockford are less than 90DB sensetivity like mine. My setup consists of two 1200 watt Super blue 15" pyramids in 2 cu.ft. sealed boxes aimed up at the back window of a 240SX fastback. The amp runs 2 channel and connects to each of the single 15s voice coils at 4 ohms. They push the 15s almost exactly 1/2 way. My brothers 2 1010GXs (one of them being previously owned by me.) can power the same subs a similar sealed box til they run dry of power handling (I can hear that soft cone distortion that is unmistakeable for amp distortion which is sharper with this amp)but I'm sure the 2 1010GXs are near used up as well. The 1991 240SX is amazingly acoustic and has more guts for sure than my friends measured 137db cadillac coupe de ville. I'd guess just short of 145 db but mine hasn't been measured. I plan on putting another 1010GX into the 240 and running them bridge 4 ohms to each 15. That is until I do the real project involving some solobaric 15 L7s and some amps that can run the ohmage and put out a bit more juice per amp. Similar Products Used: Pyramid competition 2400 Watt. (It's not double the power but it's has maybe 50% more and is 1 ohms stable!) The 2400 is for subs only and it's the clarity I've heard but may be perfect for subs cross |