Dodge Stratus Midsize | Compact
Dodge Stratus Midsize | Compact
[Jan 03, 2001]
Everything, This car is bar none the best car I have ever owned. Its fast, roomy, and the chicks dig it.
Its kind of loud, but nothing a loud stereo wont fix I would reccomend this to anyone, I'm 16, its my first car, and I love it. Old people would like it too, It is suitable for anyone. Similar Products Used: I have driven many other Cars and Dodges this is my favorite |
[Dec 30, 2000]
Model Reviewed:
Dodge Stratus
The 2.4L I4 motor has gobs of torque at the low end - the pickup frm a stop is great. The car is very roomy on the inside - comparable to larger and more expensive cars. The dash sits low, so no obstructions - just a nice view of the road ahead. The overall styling is timeless.
This will probably come off as nitpicky, but the number 1 problem I have with the Stratus is the front cupholders. They are simply too close to the dash to hold anything bigger than a 12oz can or a 20oz cup, and the pass side cup holder is in the way of the 12v outlet. I noticed that a lot of the reviews here are negative, which goes along with the fact that it something is good, people usually don't say anything. But if something is bad or problematic, they'll tell as many people as possible. Similar Products Used: I previously owned a 1989 Hyundai Sonata, and also shopped the Stratus against every other mid-size under $20K. Simply put, the Stratus was the best deal for the money. |
[Dec 31, 2000]
James Richardson
Model Reviewed:
Dodge Stratus R/T
This car is tight with one of the best shifters ever found on a US car
Still looking for one After many decades of imported cars I returned to an American car with real misgivings. But boy is this nice. If it remains as enjoyable it will be a long time before I return to the imports. Similar Products Used: I've owned BMW, Alfa, SAAB, Volvo, Infiniti and this is better than any, including the 2000 BMW 325. |
[Jan 01, 2001]
It has good pickup it takes coners very well. Most times you cant tell that you are going over the speed limit. Because of the way the car handel it rides very smooth.
It is a hard car to find stuff to and to it. There is not that much stuff out there for it 2bad I would recommend it just because it rides so smooth and it handels very well for a car that is under 20,000.You should go to dodge and try one out. Similar Products Used: N/A |
[Dec 20, 2000]
Model Reviewed:
Dodge Stratus ES
It has stunning good looks and great low end torque. My family and I fit into this vehicle very comfortably and has a lot of storage space.
Since I've bought the car, the transmission has been rebuilt and the brakes wear out too quickly. Ive had to put on 3 new sets of brakes. I've also had to repair many of the electrical eqipment, along with a whole new suspension. All of my headlight and foglight fixtures have cracked and they cost $220.00 a piece. The plastic trim around the windows has started to warp out of place and the dodge dealership said too bad and tried to sell me new. The climate controls also got stuck on defrost, even when you turned it to vent, and the dealership said it would cost a minimum of $200.00 to repair. They never even looked at the car. Last but not least, my air conditioner went out and thats going to cost me $185.00+ tax to fix. After owning the vehicle for just a little over a year, I've spent an additional $3000.00 just to keep the car running. The car itself only has 86,000 miles on it and it has had way too many parts replaced. I like the 2.5 liter engine and the looks of the car, but I would not buy another chrysler vehicle again. Especially since the way the dealerships around treated me when repairs needed done. It took them a month to repair my transmission and its acting worse than before. I recommend staying away from Chrysler products. Similar Products Used: None |
[Dec 05, 2000]
Ralph Zinn
Model Reviewed:
Dodge Stratus
Good pick-up and pep, especially for a 4 cylinder. It's a comfortable car for a taller person (6'2"), and I like the control panel.
Front cupholders are worthless, unless you only drink cans of pop. Have had the car for three months (4,000 miles) and already the brakes are pulsating as if the rotors are warped. The driver side mirror motor does'nt want to work if it's below 40 degrees out. As stated , I have only had the car for three months, so I cannot make a very reliable recommendation. As of right now, however, I would recommend it to someone interested in a family car at a decent price. Similar Products Used: Chevy Cavalier, Nissan Sentra- Much more comfortable, and a lot more get up and go than both of these. |
[Dec 02, 2000]
Model Reviewed:
4cyl 2.4
I bought this car wery cheap because it was in a tornado ant the paint was messed up.I also had some hail damage. After me and my dad fixed it it has been driven evry day and we havent had any problems. The car handles well, it has a lots of power for a 4 cyl. engine and it it roomy and good looking. iterior is kinda classy.
the things i dont like about this car is the cup holders and the lack of customizing accesories whicj=h in other casses are easy to find. I would recomend this car to anyone who likes good american cars. I have driven it ever since i bought it and it wasnt it the shop once. Similar Products Used: we have tried out Hondas, toyotas and and hyndai and none of them came even close to this car. |
[Nov 28, 2000]
Model Reviewed:
Dodge Stratus
This car has great acceleration and wonderful power for a 4 cylinder. It is a good roomy car and a nice sporty look.
The head gasket blew at about 90,000 mls but was not that bad of a repair I would recomend this car as a starter car for any teenager. It's sporty yet roomy and can give the power and stability to be a great starter. Though it has some problems, I myself love my car and with a little care and good upkeep your car can last the 150,000 mls mine has with very little problems. Similar Products Used: 1995 Mercury Tracer(No match in power and comfort) |
[Nov 25, 2000]
David Jang
Model Reviewed:
Very roomy sporty 4door sedan that stands out.
Cupholders could use some work. Needs larger standard wheels. Great car for someone who wants a roomy, sporty 4dr sedan with small exterior dimensions that can eat up a winding road, but without a premium price tag. Sticks to curves when one would think it wouldn't. 2.4l Engine has proven very reliable w/o a single glitch. 4 stars (its not my dreamcar). Similar Products Used: 1999 Ford Countour. Slow and not as lively. Seats a bit low and not nearly as roomy. |
[Nov 22, 2000]
Christine Walke
I liked the looks of this car, too bad I didn't know what a lemon it was when I drove it off te show room floor.
This car was the biggest lemon! I would have paid someone to drive it into a lake! We had this car in the shop every week. In the 3 years I had it we had 7 head gaskets, 3 rear end gskets, transmissions, 4 water pumps, to many ECR valves to count, 4 power steering pumps, 6 sets of brakes, the seat electronics blew, the whole A/C unit, the switches on the dash, window motors, the rear window totally fell out due to the manufacturing glue they used, and this is only half of the problems we had! All the mecanics & service people at the Dealer knew me by name along with the car rental agents. It was a nightmare & Chrystler would NOT stand behind this car, The last week we had it, mind you in a 4 day period we had a head & rear gasket go, the transmission, power steering pump, water pump & A/C all go out. I picked this piece of crap up from the Dealers service dept & took it right across the street & traded it in on a Chevy & it was the best thing I ever did. My Chevy has not had ANY problems and I bought it used. This Stratus was purchased brand new! It was a lemon as you can see! Chrystler WILL NOT STAND BEHIND their vehicles so unless you can afford to fork out thousands of dollars in repair costs and not to mention your time I would not by a Chrystler product! Similar Products Used: Eclipse, was great but I was hit by a semi & it was totalled. My Blazer is by far the best vehicle I have ever owned! |